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SMS COM Nutrimatic

  • Shipping Weight: 0.4kg
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146,90 €
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping and handling

 Sold Out 

Nutrimatic SMSCOM -

watering timer

Adjustable cycle of 12 or 18 hours

The dropping time can be programmed by setting seconds.

Pre-programmed for 19 dropping moments spread over the currently selected cycle of 12 or 18 hours.

Unlock the Nutrimatic gelich with your lighting time.

Lighting on = Nutrimatic to

Lighting from = Nutrimatic from

Nutrimatic resets itself after every power failure and then starts a new cycle.

Setting the irrigation timer

1. Insert Nutrimatic into the socket

2. Wait until the "00" screen displays and you hear a click.

3. Set the desired duration of the dropping time with the Sekundeneinstellug.

4. Choose your desired cycle 12 or 18 hours.

5. Connect the pump.

ATTENTION: The first drop time begins once the Nutrimatic is turned on.

Pre dropping times:

18 hours cycle

2 minutes
5 minutes
9 mins
3 minutes
8 mins
6 mins
2 minutes

12 hours cycle

15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
120 minutes

Specifications Nutrimatic:

Rule capacity Max 2000W

Input 230 / 240V phase

frequency 50Hz


Deutsch  English  

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