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APTUS Enzym+

  • 50 Units in Stock

Starting at: 11,90 €
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping and handling

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Enzym+ is a powerful mix of top enzymes. Enzym+ contains different types of enzymes that can develop a broad spectrum of action.
Enzym+ cleans the surface of the roots so that food is more easily absorbed by the plant.

Enzyme+ removes waste products from plant materials in the growth medium, such as residues from roots. Enzym+ makes enriched salts usable for the plant and thereby lowers the EC value in the growth medium. Enzym+ is a concentrated product (1:4000) and therefore inexpensive to use. Even at low doses, Enzym+ keeps root systems and growth media clean.

- Soil and coconut fibres can be reused
- Keeps the root system clean
- Prevents the concentration of salts
- Ready to use after a single rinse
- Stabilises the EC value in the growth medium

Tips & Tricks
- It is best to use a tank mix prepared with Enzyme+ immediately.

Enzym+ is composed of a mix of different enzymes and stabilisers. Enzym+ contains both cellulase and beta-glucanase. The stabiliser guarantees effective development of the functions of the enzyme and the plant nutrients. The enzymes are produced in a sterile environment, which prevents contamination by other elements or microbes.

Application and dosage
- With each watering: 25 ml per 100 litres of water (1:4000).
- Once a week: 50 ml per 100 litres of water (1:2000).
- Rinse: 100 ml per 100 litres of water (1:1000).
Add Enzym+ as the last addition to the tank, preferably just before watering.




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