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APTUS Start Booster

  • 50 Units in Stock

Starting at: 15,90 €
incl. 20% VAT
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Root and growth stimulator
Startbooster is a highly concentrated root and growth stimulator. Startbooster contains a mixture of completely biologically active ingredients, which have a stimulating effect on the development of the root system and the growth processes.
Startbooster stimulates the development of the root system and the fine roots. In addition, the startbooster supports the soil improvement effectively. It stimulates the growth of useful microorganisms. Since Startbooster is highly concentrated, only minimal doses are required. This makes the product inexpensive to use. The mixture of multiple active ingredients makes Startbooster the most powerful root and growth stimulator on the market.

- Most powerful root and growth stimulator
- High concentration, cheap in application
- Synergetic mixture of multiple active ingredients
- Faster development of the root system and the fine roots
- Faster development of stems and plant tissue
- Stems become twice as thick!

Tips & Tricks
- Add the startbooster after measuring the EC value.
- Immerse the roots before placing the plant in a mixture of 10 ml Startbooster per 1 liter of water (1: 100).
- The Startbooster is the only root and growth stimulator that contains useful bacteria.
- Startbooster is a 100% organic product. The use of Startbooster can lead to deposits in the tank. Clean it at least once a week.
- Always use System Clean when using Startbooster in a drip irrigation system.

Startbooster consists of the following root and growth stimulating active ingredients:
- Useful bacteria
Humic acids
- Amino acids
Fulvic acids
- Organic nitrogen

Startbooster is the only product on the market that contains useful bacteria. These bacteria protect the root system and produce growth-stimulating hormones. This combination of different active ingredients makes Startbooster the most powerful product in this class.

Application and dosage
Use the startbooster in combination with NPK fertilizer. The startbooster can be used in a pre-fertilized soil without additional growth fertilizer. By using Startbooster, the pre-growth phase can be shortened.
Use Startbooster in the pre-growth phase and the first weeks of flowering. Mix 25 ml to 100 liters of water. Add starting boosters after the addition of NPK nutrients and after an EC measurement. Startbooster is a 100% biological product. When using organic products in drip irrigation systems, keep in mind that organic products increase the risk of clogging. Always use System Clean when using Startbooster in a drip irrigation system.


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