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METROP AminoXtrem

  • 20 Units in Stock

Starting at: 23,00 €
incl. 20% VAT
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Bio Plant and Flower Stimulator.

Metrop AminoXtrem Bio Plant and Flower Stimulator is a very high quality amino acid plant stimulator that ensures that the root system, stem, leaf, top and all other visible and invisible growth and flower functions optimally.

Because these amino acids were obtained through biosynthesis, Metrop was able to determine how much and which amino acids were present.

The biological flower stimulator Metrop AminoXtrem not only promotes the formation of tips, but also stimulates certain enzymes and hormones for better leaf formation.

The extraction of amino acids through biosynthesis ensures that an amino helix is only 700 DA long, compared to 10,000 DA of another organic product. A plant cell can accommodate a helix with a maximum length of 1500 DA.

This means a very fast action of Metrop AminoXtrem in the plant, especially in stressed plants, which are very quickly visible on the leaves, among others.

- Daily addition in the amount of 90 ml / 100 l.
- Water every day as needed.
- Beware of overdosing.



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