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Anaconda Seeds - Auto Amnesia Haze - feminised

  • Shipping Weight: 0.1kg
  • 100 Units in Stock

Starting at: 21,00 €
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"Auto Amnesia Haze" by Anaconda Seeds is a feminized auto-flowering version of the renowned Amnesia Haze cannabis strain. This particular variant combines the desirable qualities of Amnesia Haze with the convenience of auto-flowering feminized seeds. Here are some general details about Auto Amnesia Haze:

  • Genetics: Auto Amnesia Haze likely inherits its genetic lineage from the original Amnesia Haze strain, known for its Sativa dominance and potent effects. The "auto" designation indicates that it is an auto-flowering variety.
  • Auto-Flowering: Auto-flowering strains are prized for their ability to transition from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage based on age rather than changes in light cycles. This makes them suitable for growers seeking a quicker harvest.
  • Feminized Seeds: Feminized seeds ensure that nearly all plants grown from them will be female, which is desirable for cannabis cultivation as female plants are the ones that produce flowers (buds).
  • THC Content: Amnesia Haze is known for its high THC content, which can result in potent and long-lasting psychoactive effects.
  • Growth: Auto-flowering strains often have a shorter life cycle from seed to harvest compared to traditional photoperiod strains. They are typically more compact in size, making them suitable for indoor and discreet outdoor cultivation.

Auto Amnesia Haze offers the classic characteristics of Amnesia Haze, such as a potent high and a complex flavor profile, but with the added convenience of auto-flowering feminized seeds. This makes it an appealing choice for growers looking to cultivate Amnesia Haze without the complexities of light cycle management.


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