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BSF Seeds - Pineapple Larry OG - feminised

  • Shipping Weight: 0.1kg
  • 100 Units in Stock

Starting at: 16,00 €
incl. 13% VAT
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BSF Seeds proudly presents Pineapple Larry OG, a feminized cannabis strain that combines the best of Pineapple and Larry OG. This strain is known for its intense aroma, high THC content, and amazing characteristics.

Pineapple Larry OG plants are robust and produce substantial yields. They thrive both indoors and outdoors and have a flowering time of about 8-9 weeks. This strain develops dense buds covered in resin, offering a high THC content that generates a strong and long-lasting high.

The aroma and taste of Pineapple Larry OG are a true delight, combining sweet, fruity pineapple notes with earthy undertones and a hint of pine. The taste is intense and exotic, and the smoke is smooth.

The effect of Pineapple Larry OG is both physical and cerebral. It starts with a clear-headed and stimulating effect that enhances creativity and motivation. However, as time goes on, a deep physical relaxation sets in, relieving tension and imparting a sense of serenity.


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