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STORZ & BICKEL - Mighty+ Vaporizer

  • Shipping Weight: 1kg
  • 5 Units in Stock

398,00 €
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping and handling

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Designed and handcrafted in Germany, the MIGHTY+ has all the features of a durable, efficient and easy-to-use device. Like the company's other herbal vaporizers, the MIGHTY+ uses a patented combination of conduction and convection heating. This technology heats the herbs evenly. In addition, only high-quality material is used and includes medical grade plastic that is chemical and heat resistant. In addition, the vaporizer offers fast charging speeds of under an hour. There is also the option of pass-through charging, so you can take a few puffs even when the battery is low.

New preset temperature

This vaporizer has a preset temperature and is called "the superbooster". Unlike other vaporizers that require you to increase your temperature by one degree at a time using the plus and minus buttons, the MIGHTY+ gives you the ability to increase the current temperature by 59°F (15°C) by pressing the on-off button three times.

Improved Housing & Design

The MIGHTY+ features a ceramic-coated chamber for your dried herbs. The use of ceramic makes the charging unit more resistant to scratches and damage, adding to its functionality and longevity. Moreover, you'll find additional curvatures on the outside of the unit to provide a better grip and feel. The smart design also includes small, discreet ribs on the bottom so the vape can stand on its own.

Fast charging and heating time

The MIGHTY+ also performs great when it comes to efficiency and performance. The updated model features a new circuit board with enough power to charge 80% of the battery within 40 minutes. Moreover, this one has the luxury of modernity, so the device comes with USB-C connectivity and pass-through charging. Furthermore, this dry herb vaporizer offers a quick heat-up time of less than 60 seconds; thus, there is virtually no waiting time before vaporizing.


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